Kentucky Fees
Surely, some fees and payments were required for each of the steps when obtaining a Driver's Permit. It's not always easy to double-check the payment criteria. The fee chart in the item below shows the exact fees that the Kentucky Department of Revenue accepts.
Fee Chart
It's worth noting that the fees are determined by the applicant's age and the type of permission.
CDL application $24
Commercial learner's permit $11
Commercial driver's license Up to $40
Title fee $9
Vehicle inspection fee $5
Title lien statement fee $22
Transfer fee $17
Class A $21
Class 1 $40
Class 2 $50
Class 3 $65
Motorcycle registration $18.50
VIN Inspection $5
Notary fee Varies
Usage/Sales Tax 6% of the total purchase price
Payment Methods
Cash, personal check, cashier's check, money order, and credit or debit card are all acceptable methods of payment. Personal checks should be made out to the Kentucky Department of Revenue.
Personal checks must include the following information: the applicant's full name, Kentucky address, bank code, and account number.
Aside from that, you must also submit the following documents:
Non-Driver ID
Birth Date
Phone Number.
A "convenience fee" of up to 2.15 percent applies to payments made using debit/credit cards.